
Surly Loop Junk Strap

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.

SKU: XINAY86802296 Category:


The Loop Junk Strap is the same 120cm woven nylon strap with a stainless steel buckle that Surlys regular junk strap is The Loop Style Junk Strap however has a loop sewn at each end of the strap so you can wrap them around small diameter tubing like that used for racks and handlebars They secure in the middle with the stainless steel buckle Surly made these Loop Style Junk Straps because it offers another method for those wanting to secure cargo to their racks and or bikes Junk Straps of any kind are useful in many different situations so toss a few in your backpack and always be ready to tie something to anything else

For general tie down use
42 loop strap plus 8 closure buckle strap


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